Mauritius Revenue Authority

Annual Income Tax Return - Company and Trust

Year of Assessment 2016-2017

MRA encourages all companies to file their returns electronically. (Please click here for e-Filing of return on MRA e-services). For any assistance, kindly phone on MRA's Hotline 207 6010. In case you cannot file the return electronically, enter the Tax Account Number (TAN) below and click on 'Download'. You will then have to open the downloaded return using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Please enter Tax Account Number (TAN)
TAN (8 digits) :

Please note that:
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (Preferably version 8.0 or above) is required to open / view the PDF form

  • Users of tablets or smartphones (e.g: ipad, android-based equipments) will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to open / view the PDF form